The Resort at Singer Island Reviews
The Resort at Singer Island is rated as the number 1 hotel on Singer Island. With five stars, this hotel is an excellent place to stay. Out of 135 reviews, 69 people rated this hotel excellent! “The resort was exactly what we wanted, a quick getaway at a high-end resort at a reasonable price.” Most vacationers have nothing but positive things to say about this excellent getaway. Guests often enjoy nearby restaurants such as the Brass Ring and Carving Station Buffet. The Gardens Mall is less than ten minutes away and is a fantastic place for shopping!
For more informaton on Singer Island, please contact:
John Nugent
Singer Island Condo Specialist
Waterfront Properties & Club Communities
11891 US Highway 1, Suite 104, North Palm Beach, Florida 33408
Office Phone: (561) 626-7272
Mobile Phone: (561) 301-3371
E-Fax Number: (561) 626-7207