10 Savvy Organizing Tricks

If you’re tired of always running around the house looking for that cell phone or other important item, get organized! Be willing to install some organizational items, and stay on top of clutter. Here are ten ways to get organized and stay organized.
#1 – Use a Chest of Drawers or Two
Place a chest of drawers by the entry way so that you have a place to set your stuff when you enter your home, and all of your knickknacks can be stored in the drawers.
#2 – Keep the Media Center Organized
Old movies or things your kids have outgrown can be placed in remote storage or donated. Keep your media center current, and use shelves for things you watch frequently or use frequently.
#3 – Baskets & Hidden Storage
An ottoman that opens up can store a great deal of goods that would normally be clutter – take advantage of those as well as attractive baskets to hold small items that get lost easily.
#4 – Use Space Savers
Deep drawers in the kitchen can benefit from canned goods dispensers, and small buckets can hold goods that typically spill. Use sealed canisters for foods and keep similar foods together for easy access.
#5 – Accordion Files
Use accordion files for coupons, recipes, paperwork, tax information, and keep them in their respective places – coupons and recipes in the kitchen, paperwork and tax information in the home office.
#6 – Closet Organizers
A simple closet organizer with a shoe rack and shelves can help save you time getting ready for work or for going out.
#7 – Labels
If you’re putting items in boxes and drawers, have a neat label for each one, for easy reference when getting stuff out and putting it away.
#8 – Dividers
If your vanity drawers are cluttered, use dividers to organize makeup, jewelry, and health and beauty aids.
#9 – Hang it Up
Hooks on walls in entry ways keep your coat and purse within easy reach, and a work space is better organized with customizable work paneling.
#10 – Be consistent with clutter.
Don’t let clutter get ahead of you. When you’re done with something, conscientiously put it back where it belongs. That way, you don’t have to do a major organizational overhaul every month. Tidy up on a daily basis, and the home will stay organized.
A consistent routine of placing things where they belong will help your home avoid a mess later on. If you and your family are careful in putting things back as soon as you’re done with them, and replacing items consistently, you should have no problem maintaining a well-organized home.
Great information, Kevin. Strongly agree with #3, as baskets can make a HUGE difference in ‘hiding’ clutter.
I like shelves and drawers. They really help organizing so many stuff in the house. It’s always good to have a place for everything.