San Michele Homes for Sale
Located in Palm Beach Gardens is San Michele, a gated community made up of 90 homes. The Homes in San Michele features between 4-6 bedrooms and views of shimmering lakes and natural preserves. Homes range in price from $700,000 to over $1.5 million.
Located among some of the best Palm Beach Real Estate, San Michele offers the Venetian Club. The Venetian Club features amenities:
- tennis courts
- a fitness center
- state of the art equipment
- a card room
Jacki Ojakian
Specializing in Frenchman’s Reserve & Communities South of Abacoa
Waterfront Properties & Club Communities
11891 US Highway One, North Palm Beach, Florida
Office Phone: (561) 626-7272
Mobile Phone: (561) 371-6529
Fax Number: (561) 626-7207