The Instagram Guide: A Social Media Tool For Realtors!
Instagram is a very effective social media tool for real estate professionals and globally it is the fastest growing social media platform out there. It is important that as a real estate professional you adopt Instagram into your social media marketing strategy. Here is a list of the top five pieces of Instagram strategy advice for real estate professionals.
- Share Your Experiences: Real estate is extremely fascinating to people and they are very interested on what happens behind the scenes. This is evident by the numerous reality television shows out there that are produced on the real estate industry. So it is important that you share your real estate experiences such as getting listings ready for sale, searching for the perfect home for a client, how you and a client felt after a sale or purchase, etc. Be sure and share the beauty and magic that you have encountered throughout your day.
- Combine Instagram And Facebook: Instagram is Facebook’s baby and this was evident by the purchase of Instagram by Facebook in 2012 for $1 billion. Every time you post a photo to Instagram it provides you with the option of posting it to Facebook at the same time. When you post a photo to Facebook through Instagram you have a better chance of it making its way to the top of the news feed and staying there for a longer period of time.
- Utilize Instagram’s Photo Maps: Instagram provides you with the option of sharing photos to a photomap before you post them. This utilizes what is called a geotag which essential puts a thumbnail of your photo on a Google map so people can see where it was taken. This allows you to create an eye catching photo map of local restaurants and shops you have frequented, recent area homes you have sold, current local listings of yours, etc. This can really help prove to potential clients that you really are an expert of the local area. Plus Instagram allows you to display your photo map right on your on your own webpage.
- Create A Personal Web Profile: In 2013 Instagram developed the wonderful web profile tool where you can easily display all of your photos along with a profile picture and bio. You will find this at[username] and this is a truly fantastic way to display your real estate and promote your business. There are also downloadable badges that allow you to link and promote your web profile to your other web presences. Be sure to put a link to your main webpage in your profile to ensure you direct perspective clients to the place you really want them.
- Keep Video Tours Short: It is very important that you remember people tend to have very short attention spans. So short video tours of your property listings are more likely to be effective in generating appeal and in turn more potential buyers. No one wants to sit through a five-minute video, slideshow, or panoramic tour. Instagram allows you to create quick and effective fifteen-second videos so try capturing a brief two to three seconds in each room. Remember you are just trying to develop interest in the property and potential buyers can rewatch or pause your video if needed.

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The Instagram Guide: A Social Media Tool For Realtors!
Instagram is a very effective social media tool for real estate professionals and globally it is the fastest growing social media platform out there. It is important that as a real estate professional you adopt Instagram into your social media marketing strategy. Here is a list of the top five pieces of Instagram strategy advice for real estate professionals.
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